Ingredients/ Bahan: 
1/2 kg Chicken Breast Fillet (Dada ayam) 2 tsp Salt (garam) 1 tsp Coriander powder (ketumbar) 6 cloves Garlic (bawang putih) 2 tsp Turmeric powder (kunir bubuk) 1 tsp Galangal powder (laos bubuk) 1 tsp Lemongrass (sere) 3 pcs Candlenut (kemiri) 4 pcs Shallots (bawang merah) 1 pcs Bay leaves (daun salam) 1 tbsp Palm sugar (gula merah) 1 pcs Tomato, chopped (tomat diiris kotak2) 1 tsp Belacan (terasi) 2 tbsp Oil (Minyak) Directions/Cara membuat: 

English: 1. Ground all the spices except tomato and belacan. Sauteé the spices until fragrant. Divide into two portion. 2. Make a tunnel in each fillet and stuff with half of the one portion and cover the fillet with another half. Bake in the oven of 200°C until cooked. Cool it down and shredded finely. 3. Heat another spoon of oil. Add the tomato and belacan stir through, then put the rest of the spices in and sauteé the shredded chicken. 5. Serve with warm steam rice/yellow rice.
Indonesian: 1. Haluskan semua bumbu kecuali tomat dan terasi. Grengseng dengan 1 sdm minyak hingga wangi lalu sisihkan. Bagi 2 bagian. 2. Belah ayam lalu isi dengan 1/4 bagian bumbu. lumuri luarnya dengan 1/4 bumbu. Panggan dalam oven 200 derajat hingga matang. Lalu suwir2. 3. Panaskan sisa minyak, lalu masukkan potongan tomat dan terasi, aduk2. Lalu masukkan 1/2 sisa bumbu. Masukkan suwiran ayam, aduk hingga rata. 4. Hidangkan dengan nasi hangat/nasi kuning.