Pizza Sauce Recipes

Pizza : Thin Crust Dough - Info
Category Dough
Servings 12'' Pizza (2-4)
Preparation 20 Minutes
Cooking Time 8-12 Minutes
Difficulty Easy-Medium

The science of pizza sauce recipes is unfortunately subject to as many variables as finding the best pizza dough recipe. Making homemade pizzas of the quality served in pizzerias is possible, but you need to do a little experimenting to adapt recipes to your taste. No pizza sauce recipe is written in stone, use your imagination. Pizza sauces should be fun and are the perfect food to experiment with.
Making a homemade pizza means that you know exactly what went into it, you have control over your diet because you can be sure that there are no additives or preservatives. Learning how to make pizza sauce will save you money and you'll be in control of the nutrients your family eats.
For healthy eating the best pizza sauce recipe is a simple low fat tomato sauce, topped with vegetables and fish. The cream and butter laden sauces, such as Alfredo sauce should not be eaten regularly if you want your food to be heart friendly.

Cooked vs. Uncooked Pizza Sauce

Thin Crust Pizza Recipe

Thin crust pizza dough
Pizza : Thin Crust Dough - Info
Category Dough
Servings 12'' Pizza (2-4)
Preparation 20 Minutes
Cooking Time 8-12 Minutes
Difficulty Easy-Medium

Thin Crust Dough is probably the most widely known type of pizza dough and is usually used for traditional pizzas throughout Europe and in the United States.
Thin crust pizza bases are perfect for pizza lovers who prefer to taste more of the sauce, cheese and other toppings and don't want to be filled up too quickly. It's usual to make thin pizzas larger than thick based pizzas.

Resep Rendang Daging Padang Istimewa

Rendang Daging ini lebih enak disajikan jika dagingnya lunak. Agar daging mudah lunak, usahakan daging direbus dahulu lalu dimemarkan.
Resep Bahan Rendang Daging :
  • daging sapi has 500 gram, potong-potong
  • santan kental 1000 ml
  • santan cair 1000 ml (santan kental dan cair dari 3 butir kelapa)
  • serai 2 batang, memarkan
  • daun jeruk purut 5 lembar
  • daun kunyit 1 lembar, sobek-sobek
  • asam kandis 2 buah

Gulai Tunjang Recipe

            1 buah kaki sapi/kerbau
            4 gelas santan dari satu butir kelapa
            1 lembar daun kunyit
            2 lmbar daun jeruk purut
            2 buah asam kandis
            1 batang serai

            1 ons cabe merah
            10 buah bawang merah
            5 siung bawang putih
            6 buah kemiri
            1 cm kunyit
            2 cm lengkuas
            garam secukupnya

Gulai Banak (Otak) Recipe

resep masakan padang gulai banak
            1 potong otak sapi atau kerbau
            10 lembar daun mangkokan (tapak leman)
            1 batang serai
            1 lembar daun kunyit
            2 potong asam kandis
            2 lembar daun jeruk purut
            750 cc santan dari 1 butir kelapa

            15 buah cabe merah keriting
12 siung bawang merah
3 cm kunyit
2 cm jahe
2 cm lengkuas

Rendang Ayam Padang Pariaman

Rendang Ayam Padang Pariaman
            1 ½ kilo ayam, jangan terlalu muda
            12 gelas santan dari 3 butir kelapa
            2 biji asam kandis
            1 batang serai, memarkan
            1 lembar daun kunyit
            2 lembar daun jeruk purut
            Garam secukupnya

            1 ons cabe merah
            15 buah bawang merah
            6 siung bawang putih
            5 buah kemiri
            2 cm jahe
            3 cm laos (yang ini tidak perlu dihaluskan, cukup di keprak saja)

Cara membuat:

Resep Sate Ayam Madura

Sate ayam madura emang enak. Sayangnya saya pribadi kurang suka daging ayam. Tapi saya suka sekali melahap ketupat dibubuhi bumbu sate ayam madura, apalagi ditambah irisan bawang merah dan air perasan jeruk limau. Wah nikmat sekali….
Resep Bahan Sate Ayam Madura :
  • ayam 1 kg, buang kulit dan tulangnya
  • kecap manis 150 ml
  • jeruk limau 2 buah
  • tusuk sate 40 buah



500 gr daging sandung lamur
1 liter air
2 batang daun prei ukuran sedang, iris kasar
2 tangkai seledri, simpul
6 butir telur ayam rebus
1 sdm beef stock powder
2 sdt garam /secukupnya
1 sdt gula pasir /secukupnya
Minyak sayur untuk menumis
Bumbu halus:
4 cm jahe
3 cm kunyit

Thai Massaman Beef Curry Recipe

Thai Massaman Beef Curry Recipe
This Thai Massaman Beef Curry Recipe is sumptuous and very flavorful! It's a homemade recipe with no need for any store-bought curry paste or powder. The ingredients list may seem long, but the sauce is quite easy to make - you don't even need a food processor. Just toss all sauce ingredients into the curry pot as you prepare them, and simmer together with the meat. Note that lamb and chicken are often traditionally substituted for beef, and that both meats make for a delicious massaman curry. Also note that bay leaves are normally used in massaman curry rather than the harder-to-find kaffir lime leaves. ENJOY!

Prep Time: 10 minutes

Cook Time: 1 hour, 30 minutes

Total Time: 1 hour, 40 minutes

Yield: SERVES 4-6

Thailand Chicken Soup with Coconut and Lemongrass ( Tom Ka Gai )

Thailand Chicken Soup with Coconut and Lemongrass ( Tom Ka Gai )

This simple Thai chicken soup has that distinctive Thai flavor - a balance of spicy, salty, sweet and sour. You will especially welcome this soup's warmth during the winter, when it can also provide you with added health benefits, helping to ward off the cold or flu. Tom Ka Kai can either be served as an appetizer or as the star player (noodles can be added if you're planning to make this soup as a main entree). So sip, slurp, and enjoy!
Prep Time: 8 minutes
Cook Time: 10 minutes
Total Time: 18 minutes

Special Cheese Macaroni

1/3 cup Flour
2 2/3 cups milk
3 ounces swiss cheese — shredded
1/2 cup parmesan cheese — grated
1/2 cup cheddar cheese — shredded
3 ounces American Cheese — Cubed
6 cups cooked macaroni
1/4 teaspoon salt
vegetable cooking spray
1/3 cup Bread Crumbs
1 tablespoon Butter — softened

Boosting Libido Juice


1 fresh kiwi, peeled
¼ cup / 60 ml cantaloupe, peeled, seeded and cubed
Juice of 1 naval orange
¼ cup / 60 ml fresh strawberries or mixed berries
1 Tbsp / 15 ml wheat germ
2 Tbsp / 30 ml walnut butter
1 ½ cups / 355 ml coconut water
1-2 Tbsp / 15-30 ml agave nectar, depending on your sweet tooth


Blend all ingredients until smooth. If you need to add more liquid, then orange juice, coconut water or even ice cubes will do. Make it the way you like it. Pour into two glasses, garnish with a fresh, happy-looking strawberry and sip over candlelight. Oh yeah!

Gado Gado Recipe (Vegetarian Recipe)

Gado Gado, it is one of a favorite vegetarian dishes from Indonesia. It is very easy to make.
Vegetable salad
The exact composition of the vegetable salad varies, but usually comprises some mixture of
  • Shredded or chopped green vegetables such as cabbage, watercress, and bean sprouts, sliced vegetables such young boiled jack fruit, string bean, bitter melon, and cucumber;
  • Tofu (bean curd);
  • Tempe;


Ingredients/ Bahan:
2 fillet Nile Perch
100 gr Tapioca Starch
2-4 tbsp Kecap manis (sweet dark soy sauce)
1 Spring onion (chopped)
Lime juice
Oil for frying


Ingredients/ Bahan: 
1/2 kg Chicken Breast Fillet (Dada ayam) 2 tsp Salt (garam) 1 tsp Coriander powder (ketumbar) 6 cloves Garlic (bawang putih) 2 tsp Turmeric powder (kunir bubuk) 1 tsp Galangal powder (laos bubuk) 1 tsp Lemongrass (sere) 3 pcs Candlenut (kemiri) 4 pcs Shallots (bawang merah) 1 pcs Bay leaves (daun salam) 1 tbsp Palm sugar (gula merah) 1 pcs Tomato, chopped (tomat diiris kotak2) 1 tsp Belacan (terasi) 2 tbsp Oil (Minyak) Directions/Cara membuat: